Watch or Download the Remote Support Announcement Video Here. Remote Support Announcement at December 6th UNIT Meeting At any time a user can terminate the remote session by closing the BeyondTrust chat window.

On privately issued University devices, local user consent is required to begin the remote session and allow an IT support representative to access and control the device. Users are always in full control of their support experience when connecting with an IT support representative. All data transmitted during a remote session is encrypted from end-to-end, and all actions performed by IT staff during a support session are logged and routinely audited. Remote Support at the University of Nebraska has been architected with user privacy and data security as the foundation. If you would like to schedule one-on-one or group training with a Remote Support Administrator, please contact Nick Merchen or Raul Ochoa. These training resources will prepare an IT Support Representative with the knowledge they need to use BeyondTrust (formally Bomgar) effectively and efficiently.