Selecting a text box in the Edit Area will give you the option in the Editing Ribbon to apply a Highlight Color to the text. See About, Knowledge Base, and Submit a Ticket for more information. The Help Menu is in the top of the Main Ribbon and includes various help and links for support with MediaShout. These settings can also be saved to a Preset for future use on an Object. You can also adjust the Height in the FX Window for the selected Object. Finish by clicking the Continue button and ProPresenter will import the file(s).Selecting an object (text box, image, video, etc.) in the Edit Area will give you the option in the Editing Ribbon to adjust the Height of an Object.Choose "Import into Library" and select "Paragraph break".Inside of ProPresenter, in the menubar go to File > Import > Import File.Select Export Songs To > MediaShout Song Text.Click on the Action menu on the Songs deck.Skip to the last step below "Import into ProPresenter".It confirms which songs were exported successfully. When the export is finished, the "Exporting Results" window apears.Select a destination file type, either text (.txt) or MediaShout Script (.ssc), then click save.

If you are using Pro4 for Windows on the same computer, make note of where you saved the file on your computer and skip to the "Import into ProPresenter" instructions below. Export/Save file and move it to your ProPresenter machine (via thumb drive or network).

Import will not work right unless you do this. *** Uncheck the "Save as Unicode" box.Choose Shout Singer > File > Export Songs > Shout Singer Text File.Some do help facilitate this, however, as outlined below. This is why all songs must first be converted to a cross-platform plain text document. Not all worship software allows for easy exporting as text and every developers database is proprietary, so we can't easily interpret and transpose a competitor's data. Therefore, to import anything into ProPresenter from any other program, you first need to export all song files as text from your existing solution. Since there is no standard file type for song lyrics, the default is plain text in a structured format (as commonly seen in CCLI). ProPresenter is great at importing text documents (including Microsoft Word documents).